Ruby Gems and Advanced Development Features

Not CompletedWhat Are Ruby Gems?

In this lesson, we are going to talk about Ruby Gems and how we can properly use them in a Rails application.

Not CompletedHow to Add Gems to a Gemfile in Ruby on Rails?

In this lesson, I'm going to show you how to add multiple new gems to a Gemfile in a Ruby on Rails application.

Not CompletedSecuring API Credentials in a Rails Project

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to secure our API credentials using the Figaro Ruby gem.

Not CompletedHow to Create a File Uploader in Rails with Carrierwave

In this lesson, we are going to see how to create a file uploader and explore the different configuration options for building out a Carrierwave upload feature.

Not CompletedConnecting to AWS with Fog Ruby Gem

With our Carrierwave uploader in place and our credentials saved securely, it's now time to create our AWS S3 API connector.

Not CompletedHow to Use the Rails Controller Generator

In this lesson, we are going to begin the process of integrating our uploader with our Task model so that we can upload files from a form in the application to the CDN.

Not CompletedHow to Manually Integrate CRUD Functionality into Rails Controllers

Learn how to manually implement full CRUD functionality into a Ruby on Rails controller through this guide.

Not CompletedGuide to Add Private Methods to Controllers in Rails

As we continue to build out our controller, let's walk through how to add private methods that are accessed only from the specific controller.

Not CompletedGuide to Nested Routes in Rails

In this lesson, we are going to talk about customizing routes and creating nested routes.

Not CompletedSetting up a Nested Form in Rails

In this lesson, we are going to integrate our views to set up a nested form in a Ruby on Rails application.

Not CompletedHow to Save Values in the Backend of a Nested Resource in Rails

In this guide, we are going to learn to save values in the backend of a nested resource for a Rails app.

Not CompletedHow to Configure Redirect Routes for Nested Resource in Rails

In this lesson, we are going to see if our nesting is working properly and integrated custom redirect routes in the controller.

Not CompletedHow to add Custom Arguments to Links in Ruby on Rails

In this lesson we are going to create an interface between projects and tasks, giving the user an option to add another task directly from the page.

Not CompletedIntegrating Multiple Queries on a Single Page in Rails

In this lesson, we are going to see how we can list the tasks associated with each project in the show page.

Not CompletedConditionals on View Page Integration Guide

Learn how to integrate conditionals into ERB view templates in a Ruby on Rails application.

Not CompletedFile Uploads and Performing Debugging in Rails

Put together the full file uploading video feature into the Ruby on Rails application and get it fully functional.

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